The task of leadership is becoming more complex. Executives need to adapt as their roles change frequently. They must achieve results through others, managing multiple and continuous change initiatives. And all the while, organisations are becoming more complex. Executive coaching can help leaders to deal effectively with their demanding environment.
We at CloudHR have designed Executive coaching to help facilitate professional and personal development to the point of individual growth and improved performance. Our ICF qualified Executive coaches work in sync with clients towards achieving their people specific goals. These include career transition, interpersonal and professional communication, performance management, organizational effectiveness, managing career and personal changes, developing executive presence, enhancing strategic thinking, dealing effectively with conflict, and building an effective team within an organization.
Professional Coaching is an ongoing partnership that helps you produce fulfilling results in your personal and professional lives. Through the process of coaching, you deepen your learning, improve performance and enhance quality of life.
In each meeting, the coachee chooses the focus of conversation, while the coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and moves the coachee into action. Coaching accelerates progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice.
Coaching thus concentrates on where You are TODAY and what You are willing to do to get where You want to be TOMORROW.
The process of coaching and follow-up holds the focus on the goal, accelerating movement toward the goal, reinforcing learning and change, and increasing self-empowerment. Most people who have worked with a coach and reached their goals use the services of a coach on and off for many years to attain new goals, increase their skills to self-coach, and increase their skills in having coaching conversations with others.
We offer personal guidance and coaching to help professionals and business executives :
- Connect with themselves and understand their core self
- Explore their aspirations and what is holding them back
- Connect them with their deep rooted thinking patterns
- Enable realization of why they do what they do
- Make a shift from where they are today to where they want to be
We help executives find the joy they are seeking and the meaning, purpose and wholeness they are missing. Results are a life filled with peace, passion, purpose, power and presence!
Our professional approach to coaching individuals, teams and organizations involves:
- Meeting Ethical Guidelines
- Establishing Coaching Agreement
- Establishing Trust
- Coaching Presence
- Active Listening
- Powerful Questioning
- Creating Awareness
- Designing Actions
- Planning & Goal Setting
- Managing Progress & Accountability